8 Secrets to Being a Great Manager
Quick, Smart Decision-Making Done Right
Let’s talk about management skills. Basically, it's all about being a boss that knows how to run a business and/ or a department smoothly, achieving the company goals, taking care of their employees, being organized……. etc. - many skills, right😀?
But what is necessary to be a good manager? What should you focus on and what is most important? What is the key skill or ability in my opinion and why?
First let’s look at the key skills and leave the most important one to the end.
I believe there are a few key skills you need to be good at to make that happen. You don’t have the skills yet, but want to become a manager? No, problem, the good thing about skills is that you don’t have to be born with them, you can learn them!
I know, you have heard me talking about that quit a lot - communication, but I do believe that one key skill of a good manager is communication.
You need to be a good communicator. That means you’re able to get your point across clearly, and being able to listen to what other people have to say as well. After all you are a leader not a dictator.
Time management
Another important skill is time management. You've got to be able to juggle a lot of different tasks and make sure everything gets done on time. That means you have to make and have a plan. I can highly recommend using tools to plan your tasks, so you can track the task having the deadlines written down.
That means setting priorities, delegating tasks, and making sure everyone knows what they're supposed to be doing.
Leadership is also a big one. Leadership is all about inspiring and guiding people to work together towards a common goal. You need to have visions, creating a positive environment. That means setting clear goals, and also being there to support your employees when they need it.
Strategic Mindset
Strategic thinking is very important too. You've got to be able to look at the big picture and make decisions based on what's best for the company in the long run. Analyzing data, assess risks and make informed decisions is part of a strategy mindset.
Embrace the Challenges
Problem-solving skills are also crucial. As a manager, you're going to face a lot of challenges and you've got to be able to come up with creative solutions to overcome them. You literally have to love challenges as they make you better every time you face them. If one solution does not work, you have to try the second or third. Analyze the challenge, thing out of the box and I’m sure you will come up with an idea.
Care for Your Employees Deeply
Interpersonal skills are very important. You've got to be able to build good relationships with your employees, clients, and other stakeholders. Lead by asking questions, being a good listener, showing empathy and being a decent human.
Financial Skills
Of course financial management is a key skill for any manager. You've got to be able to plan and manage budgets, costs, resources and revenue effectively. That means keeping an eye on financial performance and making decisions based on the numbers.
The Most Important Skill - Making Decisions!
Not making a decision is also a decision!
Yes, you heard me right, not making a decision is a decision and even worse is any decision, which probably is not the one you wanted to make.
You've got to be confident in your ability to make the right call, even when things are tough. I know many colleagues being afraid to make decisions, as they are afraid to make a wrong decision. Like I just said not decision or waiting to long can be crucial.
Look at the options you have and pick the best one, and then put it into action while keeping an eye on how it's going.
But, let's not forget that making a good decision involves having good info, doing a solid analysis, having some experience and expertise, using a good decision-making process, and doing it all in a timely manner. So, while it's important to make decisions quickly sometimes, you gotta make sure they're also based on good info and analysis.